Getting Started

Several “project files” have been included in the GSEIM distribution. In this section, we will see how to execute (run) some of these projects and view the simulation results.

First, let us see where the project files are located. As explained in the Installation Instructions, there are two ways to run GSEIM in linux:

  • installing pre-built image: In this case, the project files are not available locally, and the user should therefore download the GSEIM .zip file and unzip it in a suitable directory.
  • building from source: In this case, the project files are already available locally.

In either case, the user should be able to locate the directory /gseim-master. We will denote the absolute path for this directory by $GSEIM_MASTER. Note that $GSEIM_MASTER would vary from user to user, depending on where the GSEIM zip file has been copied/unzipped.

The project files are located in $GSEIM_MASTER/gseim_grc/src/gseim/test_data/input/. We will denote the absolute path to this directory by $PROJ_DIR.

Free acceleration of induction motor

  • File menu \(\rightarrow\) Open \(\rightarrow\) Select the project file $PROJ_DIR/machines/indmc_free.grc as shown below.

    open project

    The project schematic diagram will appear as shown below.

    demo project
  • Click on Generate circuit file. This would create the circuit file $PROJ_DIR/machines/ which is used by the GSEIM solver for solving the set of ODEs associated with the project schematic. Notice that a separate window opens to show the progress of this step. If the flow graph generation is successful, Program Completed will appear at the bottom of that window. Close the window.

    Note that the circuit file (which has extension .in) always gets created in the same directory as the project file (which has extension .grc).

  • Click on Run simulation. This invokes the solver which runs the simulation and creates the data files as specified for this project. Again, a separate window opens to show the progress made by the solver. The data files are also created in the same directory as the .grc file which in this case is $PROJ_DIR/machines/.

  • Click on View results. The plotting GUI would show up as a separate application, as shown below.

    plotting GUI

  • Click on Load File, and select the circuit file $PROJ_DIR/machines/ The data file created by GSEIM for this particular project will appear as shown below. Names of the variables stored in the data file are listed. Select time as the x-axis and wrm (the angular speed of the motor) as the y-axis to obtain the plot shown below.

    indmc plot

Neutral point clamped inverter

  • File menu \(\rightarrow\) Open \(\rightarrow\) Select the project file $PROJ_DIR/dc_to_ac/npc_inverter.grc. The project schematic diagram will appear as shown below.

    npc schematic
  • Click on Generate circuit file. After the Program Completed message appears, close the window, and click on Run simulation. Close the window when the program is completed.

  • Click on View results. In the plotting GUI, click on Load File, and select the circuit file $PROJ_DIR/dc_to_ac/ Select time as the x-axis and ia as the y-axis to obtain the plot shown below.

    npc results-1

  • We can view the Fourier components of the signal ia by clicking on Fourier in the plotting GUI and entering values for tStart and tEnd, as shown below. Note that the difference between tStart and tEnd is expected to be one period of the signal being analysed.

    fourier options

  • The Fourier components for ia will be displayed by the GUI.

    npc results-2