Solve Blocks

After a circuit schematic is prepared, we need to convey to the simulator what kind of simulation needs to be performed, which method to use, which output parameters should be saved, etc. This task is performed by a solve block.

Many of the solve block statements are related to the numerical methods employed by GSEIM. Some basic familiarity with the following topics would therefore help in understanding the solve block statements.

Solve blocks are of two types:

  • startup solve block for start-up simulation
  • trns solve block for transient simulation

Multiple solve blocks per project are allowed. Here are a few situations where multiple solve block would be useful:

  • We want to perform a start-up simulation and use the solution as a starting point for transient simulation.
  • We have performed transient simulation from \(t = 0\) to \(t = t_1\). We want to continue from \(t_1\) and perform transient simulation up to \(t_2\), without having to repeat the \(0 < t < t_1\) part.

In most cases, we are interested in a single transient simulation, and therefore only one solve block is required.

A new solve block can be added by clicking on SolveBlocks \(\rightarrow\) Add Solve Block.

A dialog box for a new solve block appears as shown below.

add solve block

The solve block needs to be assigned a suitable name, e.g, S1. The index field determines the order in which solve blocks are executed. For example, if there are two solve blocks with names S1, S2 and indices 0, 1, respectively, the solve block S1 will be executed first, followed by S2.

When a solve block is added, it gets a set of default parameter values from the file $GSEIM_MASTER/gseim_grc/src/gseim/data/ (see comments about $GSEIM_MASTER in Getting started). These values can be edited by clicking on SolveBlocks \(\rightarrow\) Edit Solve Block.

A dialog box with parameters appears as shown below.

edit solve block

We will now describe the solve block parameters. In the interest of brevity, we will use the following definitions.

Name meaning
x circuit circuit has only xbe’s
e circuit circuit has only ebe’s
ex circuit circuit has ebe’s and xbe’s

The following points may be noted.

  • Parameters names starting with x_ (or ending with _x) generally apply to x circuits.
  • Parameters names starting with e_ (or ending with _e) generally apply to e circuits.
  • Parameters names starting with ex_ (or ending with _ex) generally apply to ex circuits.
  • Parameters with _nr_ in their names are related to the Newton-Raphson method.

Solve Block Statements

  • solve_type:
    • trns for transient simulation
    • startup for start-up simulation
    • ssw for steady-state waveform simulation
  • initial_sol is related to the initial solution, i.e., the starting point for transient simulation. There are three options.
    • initialize for initializing variables before transient simulation
    • previous for continuing with the solution obtained in the previous solve block as the initial solution
    • read_from_file for reading the initial solution from a file
  • init sol file: This field is relevant if initial_sol is read_from_file. It is assumed that the solution file already exists, and the user can click on the init sol file button and select it from the file menu.
  • output_solution_file: name of the solution file; it needs to be supplied if the user wants to save the solution file (at the end of the simulation). The complete file path may be specified; if only the file name is specified, the file would get created in ~/gseim_grc/gseim/output/.
  • algorithm_x_trns: transient simulation algorithm; it applies to x circuits.
  • algorithm_x_startup: start-up simulation algorithm; it applies to x circuits.
  • algorithm_e: transient simulation algorithm; it applies to e circuits.
  • algorithm_ex: transient simulation algorithm; it applies to ex circuits.
  • itmax_trns: maximum number of time points allowed in transient simulation. This is a safety feature to prevent the user from mistakenly generating large output files that could fill up the disk.
  • t_start: starting time for transient simulation
  • t_end: ending time for transient simulation
  • t_startup: time at which start-up simulation is to be performed (ignored for transient simulation)
  • block_index: index of the solve block being edited. If there are multiple solve blocks, the one with the lowest block_index is executed first, and so on. (Not relevant if there is only one solve block)
  • time_step_x: Parameters in this group apply to x circuits.
    • tstep0_x: time step. For constant time-step methods, this parameter specifies the uniform time step. For auto time-step methods, it specifies the initial time step.
    • delt_min_x: smallest time step allowed during transient simulation
    • delt_max_x: largest time step allowed during transient simulation
  • time_step_e: Parameters in this group apply to e circuits.
    • tstep0_e: time step. For constant time-step methods, this parameter specifies the uniform time step. For auto time-step methods, it specifies the initial time step.
    • delt_min_e: smallest time step allowed during transient simulation
    • delt_max_e: largest time step allowed during transient simulation
  • time_step_ex: Parameters in this group apply to ex circuits.
    • tstep0_ex: time step. For constant time-step methods, this parameter specifies the uniform time step. For auto time-step methods, it specifies the initial time step.
    • delt_min_ex: smallest time step allowed during transient simulation
    • delt_max_ex: largest time step allowed during transient simulation
  • auto_step: Parameters in this group apply when the backward_euler_auto or trz_auto method is selected.
    • factor_step_increase: factor by which time step is increased in successive iterations.
    • factor_step_decrease: factor by which time step is decreased in successive iterations.
    • itmax_stepred: maximum number of successive reductions in the time step at a given time point.
  • rkf45: Parameters in this group apply when the RKF45 method is selected.
    • rkf45_tolr: tolerance for the RKF45 method
    • rkf45_fctr_min: lower limit on multiplier \(k\) of RKF45 algorithm where \(\Delta t_{\mathrm{new}} = k \times \Delta t_{\mathrm{new}}\).
    • rkf45_fctr_max: upper limit on multiplier \(k\) of RKF45 algorithm
  • bs23: Parameters in this group apply when the BS23 method is selected.
    • bs23_tolr: tolerance for the BS23 method
    • bs23_fctr_min: lower limit on multiplier \(k\) of BS23 algorithm
    • bs23_fctr_max: upper limit on multiplier \(k\) of BS23 algorithm
  • TRBDF2: Parameters in this group apply when the TRBDF2 method is selected.
    • trbdf2_tolr: tolerance for the TR-BDF2 method
    • itmax_trbdf2: maximum number of successive reductions in the time step at a given time point when TR-BDF2 algorithm is selected.
  • write_to_console: Parameters in this group are related to printing iteration number in transient simulation (i.e., time point number) and time to the console.
    • write_iter_n_x: Interval in terms of number of iterations after which GSEIM should write the iteration number (time point number) to the console. Applies to x and ex circuits.
    • write_time_x: This parameter should be set to yes if the time should also be printed to the console (along with the time point number). Applies to x and ex circuits.
    • write_iter_n_e: Interval in terms of number of iterations after which GSEIM should write the iteration number (time point number) to the console. Applies to e and ex circuits.
    • write_time_e: This parameter should be set to yes if the time should also be printed to the console (along with the time point number). Applies to e and ex circuits.
  • x_nr: Parameters in this group are related to NR convergence for x circuits.
    • x_nr_itermax: maximum number of Newton-Raphson (NR) iterations
    • x_nr_dmp: yes if damping should be used in NR iterations
    • x_nr_dmp_itermax: number of NR iterations for which damping should be applied
    • x_nr_dmp_k: damping factor for NR iterations
    • x_nr_itermax0, x_nr_dmp0, x_nr_dmp_itermax0, x_nr_dmp_k0: like the above NR parameters except that these apply to the first time point.
    • x_nr_check_delx_all: yes if the \(\Delta x\) norm should be used for convergence (see delx norm)
    • x_nr_eps_delx_all: tolerance value for the \(\Delta x\) norm
    • x_nr_write_rhs2: yes for writing the 2-norm to the console (used for debugging)
  • e_nr: Parameters in this group are related to NR convergence for e and ex circuits.
    • e_nr_itermax: maximum number of Newton-Raphson (NR) iterations
    • e_nr_dmp: yes if damping should be used in NR iterations
    • e_nr_dmp_itermax: number of NR iterations for which damping should be applied
    • e_nr_dmp_k: damping factor for NR iterations
    • e_nr_itermax0, e_nr_dmp0, e_nr_dmp_itermax0, e_nr_dmp_k0: like the above NR parameters except that these apply to the first time point.
    • e_nr_check_spice: yes if the SPICE norm should be used for convergence (see SPICE norm)
    • e_nr_check_delx_all: yes if the \(\Delta x\) norm should be used for convergence (see delx norm)
    • e_nr_write_rhs2: yes for writing the 2-norm to the console (used for debugging)
    • e_nr_spice_vntol, e_nr_spice_abstol, e_nr_spice_reltol: the SPICE norms VNTOL, ABSTOL, RELTOL, respectively (see SPICE norm)
  • ex_nr: Parameters in this group are related to NR convergence for ex circuits.
    • ex_nr_itermax: maximum number of Newton-Raphson (NR) iterations
    • ex_nr_dmp: yes if damping should be used in NR iterations
    • ex_nr_dmp_itermax: number of NR iterations for which damping should be applied
    • ex_nr_dmp_k: damping factor for NR iterations
    • ex_nr_itermax0, ex_nr_dmp0, ex_nr_dmp_itermax0, ex_nr_dmp_k0: like the above NR parameters except that these apply to the first time point.
    • ex_nr_check_delx_all: yes if the \(\Delta x\) norm should be used for convergence (see delx norm)
    • ex_nr_eps_delx_all: tolerance value for the \(\Delta x\) norm
    • ex_nr_write_rhs2: yes for writing the 2-norm to the console (used for debugging)
  • SSW: parameters in this group are related to steady-state waveform computation.
    • ssw_period, ssw_frequency: period and frequency, respectively. One of these should be specified.
    • ssw_period_mult: number of SSW periods to be simulated. Only one period is really required to be simulated. However, the user may want to view a graph showing a few periods, and therefore this option is made available.
    • ssw_nr_eps_rhs: 2-norm to check for convergence of the outer NR loop in the SSW flow chart
    • ssw_ndiv: This parameter is used to compute the time step (given by the period divided by ssw_ndiv). If the time step is already specified (using tstep0_x, tstep0_e, or tstep0_ex), then ssw_ndiv is ignored.
    • ssw_nr_itermax: Maximum number of outer NR iterations (see SSW flow chart)
    • ssw_nr_dmp: yes if damping is to be used for the outer NR iterations
    • ssw_nr_dmp_k: damping factor \(k\) (\(0 < k < 1\)) for the outer NR loop (see damping). Relevant only if ssw_nr_dmp is set to yes.
    • ssw_nr_dmp_itermax: number of outer NR iterations for which damping should be applied.